Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Information On Transporting Your Car

Your worries don't end in choosing a car carrier to transport your vehicle. You have a lot of things to take care of before you can actually have some peace of mind. To save you from getting possible headaches with the Vehicle Shipping company, keep in mind these important things.

First and foremost, be certain that you listed the company's telephone numbers in your phonebook. This gives you the means of locating your vehicle by just giving the office a ring. Be sure you also have the tracking number of your vehicle.

Determine what ought to be your car's fuel volume should be at. There are shippers who won't ship cars with a full tank. This is due to the fact that these cars are more prone to combustion.

Also, be certain that your vehicle is empty before handing them to your shipper. Leaving them inside your car is prohibited. Because this could cause break-ins when robbers see valuable things lying inside your car.

Things left inside the vehicle add extra weight to the shipment which has a set limitation. In case of loss or damage, your valuables are not covered by the shipment's policy. In case they get stolen, the shipping company is usually not held liable for it.

Fourth, deactivate your burglar alarm. Deactivate it before leaving it to your shipper. You may also turn it off or disconnect it, whichever is more convenient for you.

5. Before leaving your car to the shipper’s representative, make sure you get the Bill of Lading, which shall also contain a page about the existing damages of your car. By doing this, you won't be left in a state of rut in case your vehicle was damaged just because its prior condition wasn't properly documented. Make sure you note all dents, scratches and whatnot and that both you and the representative agree on it.

The inspection report shall also include information such as time of pick-up, delivery information, mileage of the vehicle and all other information relating to your car. You must not forget to bring it with you. This serves as evidences when you get into conflict with your shipper.

6. If you can, take pictures of your vehicle from all angles including small details and surfaces. Conduct a careful car inspection when it is already delivered by the company. Take a careful look at it from all vantage points and evaluate it against the snapshots you've taken.

It is wise to go over everything in your car and the documents you have with the transaction. You don't have to please the shipper by signing the waiver right away and withholding your rights for claims. You will do both the company and yourself a favor if you refrain from stating in haste that there’s no damage and then coming after the company later.

If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable blog.