Thursday, October 13, 2011

Incredibowl i420, A Lifetime Warranty You Can Trust

The Incredibowl i420 is a smoking device born from hours of painstaking research and testing. The design was perfected with the aid of computers. Added strength is achieved using polycarbonate in the making of the pipe.

The greatest feature of the Incredibowl is the borosilicate glass which allows you to enjoy what you are smoking without being distracted by what you are smoking out of. The smoke produced is not only exceptionally smooth but also clean tasting as well. Your lungs appreciate the flowing cool smoke.

"Bowl Armor" technology renders the pipe practically indestructible. The Incredibowl is made to the highest standards. The manufacturer even offers a lifetime warranty on all the non-glass hardware.

Regardless of how long you have been smoking, the Incredibowl is enjoyable. Users will find this pipe is in a league of its own. The portable design of the pipe makes it very convenient.

The pipe is used by sucking smoke into the Smoke-Injection Nozzle after lighting your smoking material in the glass bowl. As hot smoke gathers inside the pipe and cool smoke passes through it, a heat sink is created. As the smoke passes through the screen it cools the tar in it considerably, making them thicker and easier to catch.

A difference in pressure is a result of the suction created. When you pull on the carb, the pressure inside the chambers becomes equal to the pressure outside forcing air through the carb holes. Your lungs are filled with smoke as air pushes into the chamber.

Once the cool and filtered smoke reaches into the Expansion Chamber, the material increases in volume, decreases in density and loses energy in the form of heat. The size of the hit is controlled by the user. The smoke entering your lungs is then nice and cool.

The Incredibowl is not like other devices in that it does not require you to "pull" as hard. Water pipes actually make your lungs work harder as water acts as a pressure lock preventing the carb air from flowing. Instead, the Incredibowl’s carb uses the suction you already created to blast volumes of cooled, filtered and flavored smoke into your lungs.

The Incredibowl i420 is said to be a very good tool for medical Marijuana patients. The pipe is very easy to use and maintain. Plus, it is very easy to clean as well.

The Incredibowl i420 received multiple awards at the Cannabis Cup in 2009. The many awards this product has earned are enough to inspire confidence. Sophisticated design and durability is why the Incredibowl is so popular.